Since becoming WHIP's News Director in 2018, I've focused on overhauling the department's content strategy, shifting toward a more diverse multimedia presence built around two live show/podcast hybrids, and one weekly news video.
As a part of this content-overhaul, I developed templates and tutorials to train our 13-strong team to produce a weekly news round-up video, titled the WHIP News Crackdown. The production involves extensive research, writing, and video production every week. The first episode of the most recent season is embedded above.
In addition to the WHIP News Crackdown, I worked to restructure our old live programming into a series of live podcasts. These shows - Rational Radio and The District (linked here). These shows run five days a week and are published online on a variety of podcast platforms.
As of 2019, WHIP News produces five podcasts and one 8-10 minute video each week